Merry Christmas From WOW!
(Wait, what...?)
We know it's July, we haven't lost our minds here at WOW...but did you know that it's Christmas in July? No? Well, let us tell you all about it!
This year, WOW is partnering with Feeding the Multitude (FTM), a Canton-based nonprofit that has been supporting Haywood County and the surrounding areas for almost twenty years. Although FTM provides food and other household items on a regular basis year round, the holidays are a special time to the organization.
Ensuring no child, from the very young to teenagers, goes without during the holidays is the cornerstone of our Christmas in July campaign. Last year, FTM provided Christmas to 1,700 families and the need is anticipated to be greater this year with the recent closing of Haywood County's largest employer, Evergreen Pactiv, and related industries. We decided that the earlier we start, the more successful we'll be, we are celebrating and collecting toys in July!
Toys, gifts, clothing, food and stockings will be distributed on December 15th and 16th at Bowdy's Winter Wonderland, a Canton-area storefront holiday event to be hosted by FTM. This event is named in honor of a local resident's son who loved the holidays and whose spirit lives on to bring joy to others.
Along with the toy drive, WOW has raised in excess of $800 at two fundraisers earlier in the year, which we're rounding up to $1,000 and donating to FTM for this event. WOW members have also made many of the donation toy boxes and have been/will be volunteering numerous hours to ensure Bowdy's Winter Wonderland is a success.
How can you join in the celebration, you ask?
Well, you can donate a new, unwrapped toy in one of the toy donation boxes set up at various businesses in Haywood County. See locations below.) When doing so, please remember that items for teenagers are needed as well as toys.
Or, you can donate via one of the following means -
Mail - Send a check to Feeding the Multitude, 50 Azalea Drive, Canton, NC 28716 (please write Christmas in the note section of the check).
As WOW's prmary mission is supporting the needs of women & children in Haywood County, we are passionate about this campaign and look for it to be an overwhelming success. But, we can't do it alone, and would greatly appreciate your support.
Thank you and...Merry Christmas in July!