WOW Supports Annual Back 2 School Bash
Numerous WOW members supported the Annual Back 2 School Bash, hosted by Waynesville's First United Methodist Church on August 28, 2022 by volunteering before and during the event, helping to make it a great success.
Prior to the event, WOW members helped stuff backpaks with donated school supplies (some of which WOW members donated) and information related to resources in the area. At the event, WOW members helped set up sites for various participating entities and then passed out the backpacks to anxious kids waiting in line even before the event started!
Along with the backpacks, the kids received other giveaways and they were able to make their own snack pack, play games and jump in a bounce house. In total, an etimated 350 people (kids and adults) attended the event with 240 backpacks and 185 snack packs given away. It was a great day for all involved and WOW members who participated had a great time while providing needed assistance and support.
Please watch for school zones and drive with care to ensure our kids make it to and from school safely. Here's to a safe and successful 2022-2023 school year for all!
“A huge thank you to all the non-profits and local organizations who provided resources and giveaways - we had a great afternoon together!”